As a Christmas gift for all the missionaries in the Mision Mexico Torreon, I took candid shots of all of them and put them on a CD with music. Here is a sampling of what the missionaries received as a souvenir of the mission. (this first one is for you Brother and Sister Meador. Doesn't he look great?! Sorry I'm so slow at updating.)
Elder Michael and his new companion, Elder Sandoval at Zone Conference in La Laguna
Elder Sorensen waiting patiently for interviews.
Elder Bensen and Elder Gutierrez
Elder Bensen and Elder Gutierrez
Elders Hernandez, Glauser, Morales, Pineda, Von Bracht and Marquez waiting for someone to unlock the gate to the chapel in Durango Mexico.
Elder Layland in front of the mission office
Elder Mann and Elder Ocampo at the mission home waiting for Elder Ocampo's final interview with the president before he returns home.
These elders are known for sharing their beautiful singing voices in whichever zone they are serving. Elder Moynihan, Turley, Robinson, and Osuna while in Estaca Torreon Jardin.
These elders are known for sharing their beautiful singing voices in whichever zone they are serving. Elder Moynihan, Turley, Robinson, and Osuna while in Estaca Torreon Jardin.
Elder Weyland and Elder Robb waiting for interviews in Estaca La Laguna Gomez Palacio
Elder Morris!
Elder Orme--there are none quite like him. Oh wait, he has a twin serving in South America!
Elder Tyler Stevens waiting in Zacatecas (he is also a twin)
Elder Jones joined us from Missouri this April and he definately has the "Show Me State" attitude. He is a missionary on fire!
Elder Atwood in the mission office
Elders Lopez Rueda and Limon are excited about the newly released Bible in Spanish.
Elder Trujillo is happy to finally get his conference edition Liahona.
Elders Hernandez Vergara and Roman shine their shoes while waiting.
Elder Williams accompanied his companion to the mission home in this big rig. Some members of their ward brought them and he just had to have his picture taken to prove it.
Elders Velazco, Miranda, and Ray enjoy lunch made by the Priests in the Fresnillo Stake at a mission preparation activity.
Elder Rodriguez Casas shows the Companionship Language Study manual that was introduced last summer. The Spanish-speaking missionaries have the opportunity to earn a certificate from BYU if they complete the course while on their missions. The program depends on the help of the American missionaries.
Zone leaders Noakes and Rincon go over an area book with Hermanas Lopez and Espinoza.
Elder Nelson in Zacatecas
Elder Galt is setting the example for his future missionary friend in front of the chapel in Villanueva.
Sr. Clark usually brings bananas to zone conferences for a snack. These elders are without ties in compliance with the request from the President of Mexico during the influenza epidemic last winter. The missionaries were a little uncomfortable with it at first but seemed to adjust.
Elder Nelson in Zacatecas
Elder Galt is setting the example for his future missionary friend in front of the chapel in Villanueva.
Sr. Clark usually brings bananas to zone conferences for a snack. These elders are without ties in compliance with the request from the President of Mexico during the influenza epidemic last winter. The missionaries were a little uncomfortable with it at first but seemed to adjust.
Elders Calleja, Roman, Bautista, De La Cruz, and Ruiz Arretche.