Annette's visit in February
On February 19th, our daughter Annette, came to spend a week with us. We arranged it at a time when she could see Torreon, but also travel with us to our other main cities in the mission, Zacatecas and Durango. Annette graduated from BYU in art history last spring so enjoys all things artistic. She specialized in book restoration and had the opportunity to spend a summer as an intern in the restoration lab at the church offices and worked for two years in the restoration lab at the Lee Library at BYU. She now works in a small lab in Salt Lake City. She was delighted to get away from the cold and snow and soak in the rays in Mexico for a while.
It wouldn't be a trip to Torreon without a drive up the see the Cristo. Here is a view of the city as the lights were coming on...also, the Cristo at night.
Having taken a stained glass class while in college, Annette was fascinated by all the stained glass we saw as we walked though our neighborhood. This Catholic church is near our offices and she was amazed to see the detail in this beautiful window.
After visiting with the missionaries in the Zacatecas Zone, we slipped away from interviews for a while and rode the teleferico to the buffa. (that's a chair lift to the highest point in Zacatecas) Annette poses with the city behind (and below) her.
A view from the top!
The fountains at El Parque Guadiana are full of "children" playing in the water. (without water at this time of year)
At the Museo de Cine, Annette is dwarfed by the huge camera. Durango is the site of many western movies and during it's heyday, all the Hollywood stars flocked to Durango, Durango to participate or just see what all the rage was as far as scenery was concerned. John Wayne owned a ranch outside of Durango, La Joya Ranch, which has been the set of many movies.
We visited the Regional Museo de Durango and found this great display of paper mache art by a local artist. This crazy dragon really caught our eye.
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