Hermanas Juntas
Saturday, May 9, 2009 marked the date of our 2nd semi-annual Hermanas Juntas (that means Sisters Together). Our mission has only 11 full-time sister missionaries and they are all assigned, as companionships, to different zones in the mission. That means that they rarely have a chance to see each other, let alone be all together at one time. For this reason, Sr. Clark has decided that twice each year, she will host a day of activities for all the sisters in the mission home. This time, they started the day with a presentation about open houses that we are going to begin here in the mission. Then they all went together to see the Museo Arocena in the Centro, followed by an afternoon sharing recipes and techniques for cooking. An inspirational message was the last activity of the day. Sr. Becerra from the Alamos Ward, Gomez Palacio Stake, talked with the sisters about being righteous women. Sr. Becerra is the wife of one of the counselors to Pres. Clark in the mission. Sisters Pena and Marquez who will both be leaving the mission before the next Hermanas Juntas, bore their testimonies about the truthfulness of the gospel and about the blessing a mission has been in their lives. It was hard for everyone to say goodbye but finally the last group left after many hugs.