October 2010 Change
It was a warm fall day in Torreon when we enjoyed the company of these 14 missionaries who have served diligently for 2 years, or 18 months in the case of Hermana Lopez. We enjoyed a nice meal and a testimony meeting together. It is amazing to hear the testimonies of these young people and to actually be able to see their spiritual growth and maturity as expressed from the heart. Missionaries change the lives of others but, just as importantly, they personally change because of their experiences.

Cena de despidida!

Elder Grover makes sure his photo is in the right location on the map with all the missionaries serving in Torreon from the US.

Elder Moreno and Elder Robb pose for some last shots. They have served together as assistants and now Elder Moreno is preparing to return to real life in Tijuana.

A beautiful trio of sister missionaries--Hermanas Mamani, Lopez, and Garcia. Hermana Lopez returned to Mexico City the next day.

Three Amigos! Elders Clonts, Mair, and Naumu all purchased a beautiful Mexican sombrero to take home as a reminder of their time in Mexico.
Adios amigos!
Back: Elders Betoni, Van Orden, Allen, Michael, Williams, Clonts and Mair.
Front: Elders Grover, Larsen, Naumu, Layland, Moreno, Turley, and Hermana Lopez

A gift from the United States--Elder Ryan Lambert joins us. He is the last to get his visa approved from the generation of September! He had been serving in one of the Provo missions while waiting. Welcome to Torreon!

Elder Garcia Pineda and Elder Miranda look right home as they pose for their group photo on their first day in the mission. We are grateful they have joined us in this blessed service.